March 22, 2018

The Digital Difference: Best Way to Hold Your Ad Spend Accountable

Let’s say for context, that you’re in charge of a CPG advertising budget. Your marketing department or agency asks for a few million dollars to spend on mobile, but could only promise you, with minimal confidence, that the ads would reach in-market consumers, at best, 25% of the time; would you give it up or take your money elsewhere?

Let’s say for context, that you’re in charge of a CPG advertising budget. Your marketing department or agency asks for a few million dollars to spend on mobile, but could only promise you, with minimal confidence, that the ads would reach in-market consumers, at best, 25% of the time; would you give it up or take your money elsewhere?

Stop wasting your ad spend on unreliable data and unaccounted for reach.

Let’s say for context, that you’re in charge of a CPG advertising budget. Your marketing department or agency asks for a few million dollars to spend on mobile, but could only promise you, with minimal confidence, that the ads would reach in-market consumers, at best, 25% of the time; would you give it up or take your money elsewhere?

Based on a survey by Bazaarvoice, “Nearly two-thirds of marketers are not entirely clear on the origins of the data they employ in their ad campaigns [and] three-in-four marketers are not fully confident that the data they’re using reaches in-market consumers.” According to eMarketer, $45.95B was spent on mobile campaigns in 2016 and it’s no surprise that Google and Facebook have over half of that market share with 32.0% and 22.1% respectively.

Let’s crunch the numbers real quick.

Using the numbers from the above cited articles, 66% of marketers don’t know the origins of their data and 75% aren’t confident they’re reaching in-market consumers. So what exactly does this mean?

  • Out of the $14.70B spent on Google in 2016, only $3.67B of that spend is, at best, linked to data and reaching in-market consumers; and
  • Out of the $10.15B spent on Facebook in 2016, not only could 100% be “fake news,” but up to $7.16B is, again, questionably linked to data and not reaching in-market consumers.

There’s a reason P&G’s Marc Pritchard called digital to the carpet last year. Advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry, and marketers have continued to pump helium into a leaky balloon that hasn’t ever floated more than one inch off the ground. And, for some time now, no one has been holding them accountable.

What if there was a platform out there that took all the risk out of digital marketing?

AdAdapted brings credibility and accountability to the digital ad world.

This solution exists. And, is known to the digital ad world as AdAdapted.

How does AdAdapted address the shade that currently exists in the advertising industry?

The AdAdapted platform includes:

  • Guaranteed performance billing (no payment for ads that don’t actually reach your consumer),
  • Access to shopper data through exclusive relationships with mobile shopping list apps,
  • Consumer profiles built around HH grocery decision-makers’ individual shopping behaviors and product preferences,
  • Accountability; 100% of your mobile ad-spend is directly linked to 1st-party, deterministic data

The advertising world might be able to learn a thing or two from AdAdapted.

About AdAdapted

AdAdapted ( is the number one add-to-list mobile advertising and insights solution for CPG brands and the agencies that represent CPG brands. AdAdapted offers CPG brands the ability to directly target their primary consumers in the apps they use to plan and shop. AdAdapted’s platform places CPG brands in front of consumers with native, non-disruptive ads at the exact moment of decision-making, t

Ready to work with a partner that gets your brand 9.1 ROAS?

Let’s chat about how AdAdapted can drive sales for your brand with the leading one-click add-to technology built for CPG brands.
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